Symphony Hosting

Receiving errors instead of your script or web page?

Listed below are common error messages and what they mean. If you receive one of these errors when trying to access your documents, you can determine the cause here.

Authorization Required (Error 401)
The requested document requires the user to enter a username and password to access the document. You will receive this error if the username and password are incorrect.

Forbidden (Error 403)
This message indicates that the document cannot be accessed in order to be displayed. This message is caused by either the file, directory it is in, or .htaccess file that controls the file is chmoded incorrectly (to correct, chmod a+r the file or chmod a+rw the directory or script).

Not Found (Error 404)
You will receive this error because the requested document does not exist.

Precondition Failed (Error 412)
Symphony Hosting has implemented this security features to protect your files from malicious users trying to run files with your account. You will receive this error if any of the following are true:
  • The file or the directory (it is in) is world writable (you need to chmod o-w it)
  • The user or group ids of a symbolic link are not the same as the linked file
  • The requested document is a file and its group is not the same as the directory
  • The requested document is setuid to root
  • The requested document is not owned by a member of the directory's group

    Internal Server Error (Error 500)
    This message occurs in several different situations. If you receive this error when accessing a directory or non-script file, you may have a configuration problem in your .htaccess file. If you receive this error when accessing a cgi script, you may have a problem with your script. Common causes of this problem include the script is not executable (you need to chmod a+x it), the script is writeable by someone else (you need to chmod go-w it), it does not include the Content-type header, or it contains compilation errors and the script cannot be executed.


    Symphony Hosting
    PO Box 8781
    Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677